// This week I wanted to show you how to decorar easily a happy and colorful birthday table, since two weeks ago was my birthday and we couldn't celebrate it with the family, it occurred to me to surprise my husband and daughter with a nice snack using only things that I already had at home... and that I prepared in less than an hour while they were out for a walk!
// The first thing I did was choose the central decoration element, so I used a nice and cheerful geometric decorative fabric in white and yellow from Yorkshire Fabric Shop, which is an English brand specialized in fabrics for decoration and upholstery of furniture, and after I chose the rest of the tableware and decoration to match with it...
// To add the fun and casual touch I also added a glass cup with jelly beans and a decorative paper straw(you can draw and cut the silhouette on a cardboard), some napkins with a message that you can print at home, and I decided to use two candles with golden details as a 'birthday candles' to decorate the table.
A pesar de ser una decoración de mesa muy sencilla e improvisada, ya veis que con un poco de imaginación y cariño se puede crear una merienda bonita, divertida y alegre para disfrutar en familia. ¡Y a ellos les encantó la sorpresa cuando volvieron de su paseo!.
// Despite being a very simple and improvised table decoration, you see that with a little imagination and affection you can create a nice, fun and happy snack to enjoy with the family. And they loved the surprise when they came back from their walk!
// And afterwards I also received a nice birthday surprise (an elegant and modern wallet and the minimalist black and white map of Paris that I showed you in last week's post and that you can see here).
// Well I hope you liked the post and that you have good ideas to celebrate a happy and summer snack at home. Thank you for being there and until next week! ;)
4 comentarios
Muchas felicidades con retraso Laura!
ResponderEliminarEs una mesa de cumpleaños preciosa con esa tela tan alegre y divertida, tan linda como todo lo que tú haces, no me extraña que les encantara la sorpresa a tu marido y a tu hija.
Beso E.B.
¡Muchísimas gracias Emile! me alegro de que te haya gustado la mesa de cumpleaños que improvisé para darles la sorpresa en casa, la verdad es que fue un momento muy bonito.
EliminarUn abrazo y mil gracias por pasarte y comentar como siempre,
Una bonita mesa de cumpleaños, con mucho color y alegría gracias a esa tela tan veraniega! Me apunto la idea!
¡Muchísimas gracias Sofía! me alegro de que te haya gustado y de que te sirva de inspiración para este verano, sobre todo con esos colores tan alegres...
EliminarUn abrazo y gracias por pasarte y comentar :)